Monday, October 3, 2011

Perfect couldn't keep this love alive

So yeah. I am in a mood. Won't get into details about some of the stuff that has gone on today, but more of a general vent about stuff from the last few months. I have been so busy it's not even funny, could be why I haven't updated in who knows how long.

Working 13-14 hour days...every weekday. When I am not insane on the weekday I am editing photos like a mad woman on the weekends because that is the only time I have to do it unless I don't sleep, like I am doing right now. There is just so much to do and it doesn't seem to be getting any easier. I really need to hire a cleaning crew to come in here and just wipe everything out for me. Anyone want to sign me up for a cleaning show on TLC or something? I have been so busy with work lately that I have not had much time to clean, and the little time I did have seemed to be wasted because the stuff I cleaned was dirty again within five minutes. I can't wait to get rid of these damn kittens, that's all I have to say.

I have been following along with my high school reunion page on Facebook, and at first I was excited about it, but the more I thought about it, the less I wanted to go. Pretty sure I am not going to be going. There is really no point. The people that I talked to in high school I still talk to for the most part, they already know what has been going on with me. So to that effect, why would I want to go to a room filled with people from high school that tormented me mercilessly because I was fat and ugly, when I am even bigger now than I was then? I have not accomplished much in life, in the middle of divorce that is dragging on and on, haven't completed any meaningful college degrees (my Associates in Lib Arts doesn't mean squat), and I am working at a job that is not what I want to do, am broke as hell, and really have nothing much that is interesting to say to those who didn't like me back then. Why would they care what I am up to now? It is just going to be an adult version of a school dance, only people will be getting drunk. All set with that. Like I said, I still talk to a good portion of the people I was lucky enough to be friends with in high school thanks to the magic of Facebook, and those I don't talk to anymore, well there is a reason. I would rather save the $25 to get in and spend the night hanging out with the munchkin who is one of the only parts of my life that I am actually proud of.

Ok, enough ranting about that.

Looking for a new place to live since the neighbors yet again are becoming intolerable. I really don't want to leave though, I love this apartment for the space, and the layout, and the view of the city. I don't love the parking, or the people living on the second floor who have now made it impossible for me to park in the driveway that I pay for as well. ONE CAR PER APARTMENT. I don't care if your boyfriend's Jeep is getting repossessed and you want to park behind him to stop them from taking it. If they want it, they will get it. Doesn't mean you have to park all the way at the end of the driveway and take up three spaces to block him in. Stop being a douche.

I wish I could move to Goffstown and get Cody into that school system. I was approached by a kid today who couldn't have been more than 12 years old, asking if he could bum a cigarette off me and swearing at me when I told him no because 1. I don't smoke, and 2. He was far too young to need one. He asked the guy in the car in front of me for money and started swearing at the guy when he got nothing. Then there were the little ghetto trash kids beating the crap out of each other for the fun of it, or the circle of kids calling this poor little girl ugly and stupid. I don't want Cody learning this type of behavior, and it sickens me to think that these kids are probably allowed to get away with this at home, if not learning it there. I can't imagine speaking like they did when I was that young, they are so disrespectful. I guess the best that Steve and I can do is teach Cody right from wrong and hope that he has the good sense to listen and be well-behaved. If he ever bullies anyone he is going to military school. I will NOT tolerate that.

Work is finally calming down a little with the insanity that I have been going through for the last few weeks. I was in coaching the new class and still having to be the go-to person for the people on the floor, plus audit other people's work while trying to process my own and it was just too much at once. I felt like a failure because I wasn't able to handle it all, but then I took a step back and realized that I was trying to take on far too much. I spoke with my manager about it and we were able to give me a day where I could just concentrate on the class and my work. Now that I am not in the class anymore and am back to my normal processing, I feel much less stressed. I missed being at my own desk, listening to my shows or music.

My diet, which this whole blog was essentially about, is non-existant. I still have yet to go to the gym, I am just too tired after working so much. I hardly eat, and when I do it's not super healthy, and yet I have lost 10 pounds. I am sure it is not a healthy 10 pounds, more like stress, lack of sleep and lack of food pounds. Hopefully I can get back on track at some point, but right now there is so much to focus on that does not include counting carbs and calories.

I guess that is all for now. I am going to continue my editing and thinking about some of the great things that are coming up this month. The 16th is going to be fantastically relaxing and I cannot wait. I get to spend the whole day with my dad which I have not gotten to do in a long time, plus vacation with Cody is coming up soon as well. Too bad we can't go to Canada...stupid passports.

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