Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It's the Art of Losing

So I was right about that new position. I did not get it. Not sure who did, but I know it wasn't me. They told me all the reasons that I was a strong candidate for the position, but then told me that my weakness was that I haven't done this program that we have at work that is like a leadership seminar. I really do not want to be involved in this program because I have heard around the way that it isn't worth it because it still doesn't get you anywhere. Who knows. Guess I am going to have to do it if I ever want to make something of myself there.

This along with everything else that has been going on lead me to go on a mini shopping binge. I bought alcohol, I bought these new Dreamsicle Oreos, gummy worms, Pop Tarts (more for Cody than myself but still), and ice cream. However, even with buying all of that, I have hardly touched it. Cookies are still shut, I had a few gummy worms today, haven't touched the half gallon of Red velvet ice cream I bought. I had the alcohol, or some of it anyway, and about half of my Chunky Monkey. At least I was able to restrain myself. The old me would have cleared all of that out in no time flat. Score one for me.

Went back to the doctor this week to see why I was still getting sick even after stopping the meds. All my bloodwork came back normal, but of course, the med that was going to help me lose a little weight is now off the table. No pituitary tumor either which is really good news. No idea why I am still getting sick, it's gradually getting better, but still get slightly nauseous at random times during the day. I guess we will see what the OB has to say and see if there is something else I can go on to help with the insulin resistance.

Today I am just going to try and focus on getting Cody ready for school (which starts on Friday and I cannot wait), and going to try and have a good time tonight at the American Idol concert and then out for karaoke and drinks with some good friends after. Definitely going to stock up on heartburn meds today though.

I guess the best thing that I can do at this point is continue to work my ass off and do the best job that I possibly can and maybe something good will end up coming from it. Who knows.

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