Sunday, June 28, 2015

I Think a Change...Did Me Some Good

I kind of love clothes shopping now. Even though I am only down 2 dress sizes and still have to wear plus-sized stuff I have come to terms with what looks good and what does not. Before I would buy the biggest thing possible to hide any curves that I had. Now I am figuring out what is flattering and wearing clothes that are actually my size. I have been going on a dress buying spree lately and have been loving it. 

Yesterday I found a dress that I really wanted but was a little more $ than I wanted to spend. I consoled myself by saying that it wouldn't look good on me anyway and so I went to try it on in the dressing room, prepared to see how horrible it would look. Well guess what? It didn't look horrible at all. It looked great, fit great, and is so comfortable. Long story short I found coupons, and I bought it. I am so excited to wear it out tonight even though it is freezing out and not dress weather at all. This is me not caring!!

I have never liked going clothes shopping before. It was something that I had to do when I needed something new but most of the time I would wear hoodies. I didn't care if it was 90 degrees out, I wanted to hide my body because I was ashamed. As I have gone along in this process I have given up caring about what other people think about me. If they don't like the way I look, that is their prerogative. If I am comfortable in something I am going to wear it. I like this confidence.

My new attitude towards my body has drastically impacted my attitude with other things as well. I am more outgoing, I am happier, and I am not ashamed of who I am anymore.

I am 25 pounds lighter and so much happier than I have been in a long long time. 

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