Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Starting over

I need to reboot my reboot. I bought a new scale and apparently the WiiFit scale was lying to me. I have still lost inches, but not the pounds. :(

I slipped and had Cheez Its today and only had 24 ounces total of juice. I am trying not to be depressed over the fact that I have not lost the weight that I thought I had, however I know that I have some bloating water weight going on right now, so that is attributing for at least a few pounds. I am also sad about the fact that I couldn't even hold it together for a full week, I had crackers quite a bit.

So tomorrow, I start anew. I am erasing any totals that I had from my mind and starting fresh. I need to think of some new ways to keep my hunger in check and keep myself motivated to stay away from any and all types of food.

I have continued the exercise however, went for a walk on break with coworkers that equaled a quarter of a mile (Would have been more but we were only allotted 15 minutes to walk).

Tomorrow I have an endoscopy and biopsy of my stomach and esophagus, so I cannot have any juice tonight or tomorrow morning. I will have to wait until I am back home for that which may not be until 11 or so depending on how long it takes to come out of anesthesia.

I really want to do this. I do. I just need to find a better way to deal with my lack of willpower. I need to get myself into the mindset that if I let the juice do it's job, I will be in a really good place, I will feel good, I will look good for the first time in my life, and may even be able to get my shamble of a life back in order.

So tomorrow is a new day. Still I tell you:

Go forth and inspire.

1 comment:

  1. I am confident you'll be able to accomplish your goals! There is nothing wrong with trial and error just keep trying til you get it :) I am now on day 7 and it has been hard especially since my fiance and daughter love their junk food. I did snap and I licked the spoon when I made egg salad last night -_- but in my mind that was still better/healthier than how I have been in the past. I lost 8 pounds my first 5 days and.feel great. If you need some support or even just a friend I'll be more than happy to add you on Facebook and give you my number!
