Saturday, April 21, 2012

Juicy juicy

I keep forgetting to write in here. Lol. Things are okay with the juicing. I really need to be doing the juice fast, not just replacing 2 meals, but I am finding it to be extremely difficult to do that. It seems like everywhere I turn there is someone eating, or an ad with food, or something and I find it to be really really hard to resist the temptation to eat. I haven't been eating terribly, nothing super fatty, no fast food other than a sub at Subway, but it's still eating which I am not supposed to be doing.

The fast only really works if you fast! I am drinking my juice now, but I am almost out of produce to juice and I don't get paid until Wednesday which is going to be a problem. I may have enough for tomorrow's juice and Monday, but I am not sure about Tuesday and Wednesday. I am doing a lot of ChaCha to try and get money for produce, but they are messing with the pay system this week so I don't know if that will be possible or not. I will have to see.

Other than that, not too much going on. There is someone at work who is doing the juice fast with me as well, and it is nice to know there is someone else who is doing it that I can share recipes and tips with. It is good to know there is a support system around too in case I need it badly.

I found a recipe book that came with the juicer that I got a few weeks ago, it tells you all sorts of great recipes to juice and also gives suggestions as to what you can do with the pulp after you are done juicing. It all sounds really good!

Yesterday I made a juice out of:

3 small Macintosh apples
2 oranges
handful of green grapes
10 strawberries
4 kale leaves
1/4 English cucumber
1 lemon

It tastes really good. I added a little berry seltzer to it for a little more of a kick.

I have lost 3.5 pounds as of Tuesday, I have yet to weigh myself again. I got all the blood work back from my doctor and the only thing that was elevated was my cholesterol, but only by a point and only because I had a dinner of hard boiled eggs the night before.

So things are going alright, but still not progressing as I wish they had, but that is entirely my fault.

Go forth and inspire.

1 comment:

  1. I subscribe because I'm interested in hearing how your juicing goes. Do you intend to drink juice for 2 meals everyday for the rest of your life or is there a lot more to it than what I've read thus far?

    It sounds really interesting! :)
