Sunday, July 24, 2011

2 Scoops of Goodness

Ok, so I have been slacking. I haven't wanted to post in a little while due to some issues that came up and put me in stress-mode, and I didn't feel like writing 'pity me' entries. So now I am over it. Positive changes will come with a positive attitude so that is how I am going to look at my situation right now.

On that note, I have not been eating well the last week or so. Still skipping breakfast and most days lunch too. I don't know why I can't just get something to eat. Over the last few days it was because I had nothing in the house but Ramen Noodles and let's face it on a 100 degree day, there is no way that is happening. Could have had a peanut butter sandwich, but I am not as fond of those as Cody is, and it was too hot for hot dogs too. But now I have food. Sad to have to feel guilty that I spent $90 on groceries, but Cody and I need to eat so oh well. I bought all good things too. Steak, beef tips, boneless and skinless chicken breasts, Raisin Bran, Cheerios, pretzels, fruit, veggies, seltzer. Yum. I even substituted low fat frozen yogurt for ice cream. We will see how long that lasts though!!

I have not been to the gym in a loooooooooong time. I just don't have the time to. When I get out of work I come right here to hop on the computer and do more work. Once money issues become less constraining I will get back in, but right now electricity, food, gas, and rent are far more important.

I think that my push to cook more for Steve is really helping me eat better foods at dinner time since he is a meat man and I usually don't like to cook meat. But for him it's worth it. (Insert awwwws or ewwwwws as you see fit)

So I guess that is about all I have for today. I am going to finish my Raisin Bran, have a turkey sandwich for lunch, and cook some Hot and Spicy Shake N Bake chicken for dinner. Yum.

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