Thursday, July 7, 2011

Don't DJ Tanner on me, lady!

Don't worry, no DJ Tanner passing out at the gym for me. I did not go. I really should have eaten something yesterday, but sometimes I just don't have the time! I know, I know. Make the time. I am going to try, honestly, I will give it a little effort. I managed to eat lunch and dinner today. I had pizza for lunch even though I really shouldn't have, but dammit it was good. I haven't had pizza in a while. For supper I had my ever popular turkey flatbread sandwich. Delish as usual. I had a snack of reduced fat Wheat Thins with Cracker Barrel sharp white cheddar cheese on top. MMMMMMM. I love that cheese. So all in all, aside from the couple of mint Oreos I just had, not too bad of a day nutrition-wise.

Tomorrow I am going to get up, pour Cody a bowl of cereal, pour myself a bowl of cereal and if I am feeling ambitious, which I can almost guarantee I won't, I will make eggs too.

I was walking around the grocery store today and kept thinking about that chicken roulade I am going to make and finally came up with a game plan:

For the filling I am going to have a mildly spicy Mexican rice and corn mixture along with pieces of bacon (I know, not really Southwestern/Mexican, but Steve has to have bacon), and some shredded pepperjack cheese. Then the chicken is going to have Hot N Spicy Shake N Bake on the outside, topped with a small smattering (fancy word huh??) of Goya's pico de gallo salsa. Sounds amazing right? We will see if I can really get what I want from it since I am just throwing stuff together with no recipe. I am sure it will be delicious.

I still have yet to figure out an interesting thing to do with the steaks that I have. I am just sick of teryaki, I don't like BBQ at all, and all the rubs out there have garlic in them. I suppose I could throw together my own rub, but I am willing to bet Steve wouldn't like it because it would have cinnamon in it (I put cinnamon on my chicken all the time.)

Well boys and girls, that is all for me tonight. I am utterly drained. Hopefully I will actually get to the gym soon. We will see. Goodnight all. Until we meet again.

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