Monday, November 5, 2012

Feeling great!

Wow...what a shock it was to go into my first meeting for WW today and find that I had lost 2.7 pounds since they had weighed me on Friday. Whether it is a true weight loss or just the time of the day or whatever, I am not sure, but I can only hope that it was weight coming off. I have been doing really well over the last three days that I have been counting points.

Today I had couscous for lunch, surprisingly if I use virgin olive oil instead of margarine or butter, the points are quite low. Then I had carrots for a snack.

For dinner I made a turkey taco salad that was so good, and only 11 points.

I got hungry a few minutes ago and made a bowl of oatmeal with skim milk which was 4 points. I still have 3 points for the day, but I don't think I am going to use them

I met some really nice women at the meeting this morning and learned a lot about different foods that are considered "power foods". Some of them, such as white potatoes, were a shock.

I went grocery shopping after the meeting and the scanner app that they have came in handy. I was scanning anything that I was intending to pick up and if it was too many points per serving, thought about whether it was really worth it, and ended up putting some stuff back. I did manage to get a bunch of steamed veggies, multigrain tortilla chips, salsa, whole grain spaghetti, and a few other healthy power foods.

I really hope that I can keep this up and keep sticking with it. I think that if I can see that it's working then I will be more inclined to stick with it and not get discouraged as easily.

Only 11.3 pounds to go before I hit my first milestone goal of 5% of my body weight lost!

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