Friday, November 9, 2012

It's all about the points values baby

I noticed something when I went to the grocery store today. I completely skipped all the aisles that I normally go to, such as the snack aisle and the ice cream aisle. I had my phone with me and was using my scanner app on everything that I was thinking of getting. When I found out what the points were, I debated on whether that tiny little granola bar, or those 2 cookies were really worth the points they would tack on, and for the most part put a lot of stuff right back on the shelf. I am wondering if I am being too conscious about it though.

I think I am most worried that if I cut out all the yummy foods like ice cream or cookies, that should I happen to have a sweet treat at some point, I am going to go on a binge. I really wanted to get some cookies from the bakery, but I stopped myself because I knew that 2 cookies would probably not be enough and I would end up eating more than I want to. I am glad that I have the sense to know when I will not have the self control to portion, but it worries me that I may not be able to keep that control if I completely deprive myself of anything that I think tastes good. I ended up walking out of the store with turkey burgers, olive oil, fat and sugar free cool whip, water, seltzer, and a 2 liter of diet pepsi.

I was starving when I left the store, and almost hit up the Burger King on the way home but went right on by because I know the points weren't worth it. I am enjoying the restraint that I seem to have, but hope that it lasts and that I don't give up once the weight loss starts slowing down. I did not weigh myself today, I am trying really hard not to do it every day so that when it fluctuates I don't get discouraged and go on a binge. Right now I am sitting down to some low fat cottage cheese instead of BK. Granted it doesn't taste nearly as good as a burger would but sacrifices have to be made if I want to lose the weight!

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