Sunday, November 25, 2012

I am thankful that I managed to stay on track!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend!

I am proud of myself, I managed to stay on track and under my daily points, but was full after dinner. I had a lot of veggies, and stayed away from the desserts other than the soda cake that I made and brought with me. There were a lot of different and really tempting desserts, but I did not touch. Go me!

I snacked on chips and salsa while at my grandmother's house over the weekend, and had a turkey sandwich on oatmeal bread with squash and cranberry sauce on it for a leftover lunch. Didn't touch a dessert all weekend other than my cake and a couple of my grandmother's chocolate marshmallow cookies (because it is NOT a holiday without those!).

I weighed myself this morning even though I have really been trying not to weigh myself until my meetings, but I was happy to see that the scale said I had dropped another 3.8 pounds. Hopefully it will stay that way for my meeting tomorrow!

Today I had a cheat day as I haven't allowed myself one for a bit. I had pizza for lunch. When I was done eating it and calculating the points I realized that it really wasn't worth it to eat a big portion like I used to. One slice is 8 points. To me that is a lot, so if I have a cheat day, it's going to be that one day and that's it! I have yet to use my weekly points and my activity points however, so I do still have those to use if I wish. I had a dinner of grilled sirloin steak and broccoli to make up for lunch. :)

I am thinking of starting up slowly with a yoga routine at home to inch my way into some exercise. Yoga seems relatively harmless, and I could use a little toning if I am going to be losing weight. I am not sure if yoga will help me to lose weight since it doesn't seem like something that really gets your heart rate going, but I think it will be something good to work into my routine. Hopefully I can get to Zumba this week as well.

Wish me luck on my weigh-in tomorrow, I am hoping for my third weigh-in in a row with a loss!

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