Wednesday, May 23, 2018

A Treat to Eat!

I needed to eat more today. After I logged my breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I still had 18 points left for the day. They tell you that you should eat your points and even give you a blue dot on your log if you come within 5 points left without going over by a ton. This blue dot signifies that you are within a healthy calorie range for the day. Breakfast was 8 points, lunch was 5, and dinner was 8. I have 42 daily points to use at this point and 52 weekly points. I still haven't touched the weeklies as I have not gone over my points for the day yet. So I was left with 18 points after meals were logged. I made a small shake this morning which you may have seen on my Facebook. It was delicious but it was only four points, so I still needed to find some points somewhere. I couldn't end my day with 17 points left.

Image may contain: food

It was time for a treat. No sugar-free, no low fat. Just a yummy treat. I got a kiddie size so that I didn't have the danger of over-indulging. I only ended up eating half of it and am still four points short for the day, but that is better than 17.

I also started a journey to get moving more. I joined the YMCA with my son so that we could go get some activity together. We went to play a little tennis today. I had to be very careful because of my shoulder (torn tendons and cartilidge), but it was fun and Cody had a good time. Normally it's so hard to get him out of the house and away from his videos and Youtubing, but he was actually excited to go and said that the Y sounded like fun. He did great!

So today I am feeling great. I stayed within my points and even had a yummy treat, got some exercise in, and introduced my son to a new activity. #Winning

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