Friday, May 25, 2018

First Official Weigh-In Day!

Today was my first official weigh-in day with Weight Watchers. I am down 5.8 pounds so far! I am excited but I am trying not to expect that much every week because I know that I won't lose that all the time. It's a great start though and great motivation to keep going.

When I went to the grocery store today I had one objective in mind..stay on the outside of the aisles, nothing from the center aisles. I actually did pretty well with that. I bought fruits, veggies, chicken, ham for the kiddo, salad fixins, skim milk, and a crap ton of sugar free/fat free pudding that I am going to make a ton of delicious shakes with. I stayed away from processed foods. I didn't even look at anything with sugar. I think the worst thing that I bought was the Skinny Cow ice cream bars (and even those are only 5 or 6 points each). It was expensive, but it will be worth it in the long run.

I don't know that I would really call today a "cheat" day as I still made sure that I didn't go too far over my points, but I decided to treat myself. I had a few more points at breakfast than normal because I had three slices of American cheese with my omelette/sandwich. I didn't have lunch, wasn't really hungry, and then for dinner we had pizza. Even then I still had a few points left. I didn't eat anything else today but I did have a couple of beers when I went out to karaoke.

I bought a bathing suit (Ugh) today so that I can take a couple of water aerobics classes that they have at the Y. I am going to see if Cody will do them with me, but at least if he doesn't want to they have the Kid Zone so I can go to class and he can go hang out with some kids in the meantime. I used to do water aerobics with my mother when I was younger and I thought it was lame because I was a sullen teenager, but I now know how great the resistance in the water is for building muscle and burning calories. Plus, it is soooooo much easier on your joints which is one of the reasons I am choosing to do it.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can maintain this lifestyle without giving up yet again. I have so many "whys" that are pushing me to do this and to continue this for life. So many "whys".

I hope that everyone has a great three day weekend!

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