Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Nothing Lost But Nothing Gained

Weight to lose by 4/30/17 - 10 pounds
Weight loss so far - 5 pounds

Still another day without losing any weight but I am sure that was due to the fact that I had too few calories yesterday. Going to try and work on that today. That is one of the hardest parts is making sure you stay under your carb goal but also eating enough calories to get you through the day. I think today will be a little better since we are having a big meal tonight and even though it is low carb will probably have 500 or so calories. Cody is excited to be a tester for the pepperoni stuffed turkey.

Breakfast: 3 large eggs scrambled with pepper and shredded cheese, 3 strips of turkey bacon

Protein - 27 grams
Carbs - 2 grams

Lunch: Pringles...oops.

Protein - 2 grams
Carbs - 32 grams (kicking myself hardcore, didn't even think about it. But I have thrown the rest out so I won't have to worry about that tomorrow!)

Dinner: Pepperoni and mozzarella stuffed turkey tenderloin with a side salad

Protein - 46.9 grams
Carbs - 5.5 grams (woo hoo!)

Thoroughly enjoyed dinner. It was delicious, super easy to make in the slow cooker, and relieved me of my pizza cravings for the moment. I snacked on a pepperjack cheese stick this afternoon to boost my calories a bit and my protein.

End of the day totals:

Protein - 81 grams
Carbs - 43 grams (I want lower but at this point that is how many carbs I would have in one snack or meal before so it is still a LOT less than I used to eat)
Fat - 59 grams
Calories - 1,094
Water - 48 ounces

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