Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Trying to Find the Right Balance - Calories and Carbs

Weight to lose by 4/30/17 - 10 pounds
Weight loss so far - 9 pounds

I gained a few pounds back but I think it may have been the insanely low amount of calories that I ate yesterday and the very restless sleep that I got. I didn't have a lot of carbs yesterday...although I did eat a syrian bread pocket with my salad for supper so maybe that was it. Who knows. But that is okay. I know that this is going to happen from time to time, I am not going to let it discourage me.

Yesterday I had a LOT of trouble getting calories in. I was so focused on work that I completely forgot to eat breakfast. By the time I realized this it was lunch time already. Breakfast is usually 300-400 calories for me so I had to try and make that up through the day. It didn't happen. For lunch I had the other half of the salad from the night before with a piece of Joseph's low carb lavash bread (so soft and delicious!). For supper I had a steak tip salad with a piece of syrian bread. I ended the day at 738 calories total and that was before the 500 that I burned during archery. Not good. I got all of my water in at least. I really need to find a balance to be able to get the minimum amount of calories in even though I am not counting them. I know I need at least 1,000 - 1,200 per day. Eating breakfast is a good start. I did that this morning at least.

If I eat everything I have planned out for today I will be sitting at 1,059 calories to end the day. I can get maybe another 100 with a cheese stick or something. We shall see how that goes.

Breakfast: 3 eggs omelet, 1/4 cup Cabot shredded cheddar cheese, turkey pepperoni, cilantro

Protein - 34 grams
Carbs - 1 gram

Lunch: Atkins chocolate shake

Protein - 15 grams
Carbs - 2 grams

Dinner - Lemon Pepper chicken breast, riced cauliflower with veggies

Protein - 27 grams
Carbs - 2 grams

Snacks/Dessert: Joseph's Lavash bread cooked into crackers with pub cheese, dessert cheesecake mousse

Protein - 10 grams
Carbs - 6 grams

Ending totals:

Protein - 66 grams
Carbs - 11 grams

Water intake - So far 64 ounces, will be having another 32 in a bit and then another 32 before bed

"Balance is not something you find. It is something you create." ~Unknown

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