Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Struggle I Am in Today is Developing the Strength I Need For Tomorrow

Weight to lose by 4/30/17 - 10 pounds
Weight loss so far - 5 pounds

Still nothing lost but again, nothing gained. I have only been at this for about a week so I would say 5 pounds in one week is pretty damn good. I think my body is trying to figure out what I am doing because it is such a drastic change from anything I have done before. My poor kidneys probably think that I am drowning with all of the water that I am taking in per day.

This is probably going to be a long post because it was a tough day, so bear with me.

It was cold this morning. Like, I don't want to get out from underneath the covers because I will turn into a popsicle cold. Who wants to drink 32 ounces of ice cold water? Not me! Took me a while to get the water intake going. But I finally ramped it up and I am at 84 ounces so far today. Not where I want to be this late in the day but it is better than nothing so I will take it. It is tough not to buy a soda while I am at the store but I know it's better this way. I technically can have Diet Coke which I always drank anyway but I really should just cut out soda completely so I am trying. The exception to this is on my cheat day when I am at karaoke. Diet Coke and vodka has 0 carbs. Beer has too much. Beer is is's a dilemma for sure. Lol.

I ventured to the grocery store today to pick up a few things for recipes that I had found that I would like to try. $63 later I only had 4 bags of stuff. Wanted to cry a little because when I ate like crap that amount of money would have gotten me a trunkful of food. Of course, this is the price to pay for being healthy. Cody is really loving all of the stuff I have been making for us too which is great! He especially loved the pepperoni and mozzarella stuffed turkey that I made the other night.

I walked into the grocery store full of resolve that this was going to be easy and I would have no problem finding the foods that I needed. That resolve was demolished pretty quickly. I grabbed some shredded cheese and while I was there I saw Port Wine pub cheese. My mom used to eat it and got me hooked on it so when I found that there was only 1 carb per serving I threw the tub in the cart so quickly you would have thought it was the last one and there was a hoard of angry pub cheese lovin' people behind me. I got some cream cheese which I was once again delighted to see had a very low carb count. Then on to the whipping cream (0 carbs what what!) and then some mascarpone cheese. Found a nice little platter of cheese blocks that was cheap as well. I was giddy and loving this shopping trip. There was a spring in my step as I happily walked down the aisles.

Right about the time that I hit the cracker aisle that spring went away pretty quickly. I wanted to find something to eat with that delicious pub cheese that I had bought. Ritz? Nope. Triscuts? Nope. Wheat Thins? Nope. I went through almost every single type of cracker that they had in the store. I would pick the box up, look at the carb count, and put the box right back on the shelf. Sigh. The farther I got down the aisle the more frustrated I became. I knew that crackers had carbs but I didn't think it was as bad as it was. So I stopped and searched the internet for options. I found a few brand suggestions but I am not sure why they were listed as they all had at least 10 carbs per serving or more. That is almost half of my daily carb goal for six crackers. Not wasting it on a snack. Every box that I picked up was put down a little harder each time until I gave up. I left the aisle defeated, tears welling up (I know it's a stupid thing to get upset about but all I wanted was some crackers and cheese).

I continued on my healthy food quest but wasn't in the mood to shop anymore. I picked up a few veggies and some odds and ends for Cody and then hustled towards the checkout. I saw a bag of almonds at the register and thought maybe I could use those in the cheese so I got them. I stewed in the car for a few minutes, complained haughtily to my BFF when he called, and then sighed as I put away the food I had bought. I sat down to have lunch which included the almonds and pub cheese. It was actually pretty good but was still 7 carbs (almonds are pretty high at 6 grams but they have a large serving size and are filling). I decided to post on a low carb Facebook page that I am part of to see if anyone else had ideas and in came the flood of suggestions which I am grateful for! I am going to go out and get some low carb flatbread or tortillas, bake them, and dip that into the cheese and see how that goes. If all else fails the almonds are pretty good.

So it was definitely a struggle today but at the end of it all I came out of it with a fridge of healthy food, a dessert that I am excited to try that is only 1 carb per serving, and I have some suggestions on ways around my cracker dilemma. Like my title says, just developing the strength that I need to keep this going tomorrow!

Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs, 3 slices of turkey bacon, half an avocado, mozzarella cheese on the eggs, and a large peach iced tea (unsweetened)

Protein - 30 grams
Carbs - 7.2 grams

Lunch: Almonds, port wine pub cheese, string cheese, pepperoni

Protein - 13 grams
Carbs - 8 grams

Dinner: Zoodles, rotisserie chicken, pepperoni chips, shredded sharp cheddar

Protein - 32 grams
Carbs - 5 grams

Dessert: Mascarpone mousse

Protein - 0.6 grams
Carbs - 4 grams

Water intake - 117 ounces

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